Barberton Grange
An authentic Clark County historical building
to be appreciated in so many ways!
Barberton Grange is one of two Clark County granges waiting to be rented, visited and appreciated by all of you!
Members for the Grange and Non Members
are welcome to rent at a more than reasonable rate!
Here are some common questions and answers
about the Barberton Grange:Is the grange a club that I don't know about yet?
First of all, you have an open invitation to join us!
The Barberton/Pioneer Grange will cheerfully welcome your involvement to the family of our local grange community!- You do not have to be a grange member to be involved in any of the activities the Barberton Grange has to offer. Albeit, this location and building is run on funds and volunteerism generated by an organization that has been around for over 100 years, your use of it's services and space greatly increases the life of this organizational goals and the legacy of it's existence.
Yes, it would be great to have all users of Barberton grange join the local and state grange associations, but is not necessary at this time . One of the purposes of this grange to remain as a public service to all is to allow any person or group become involved in it's facilities. Without community involvement. this grange would already be an old fashioned purpose whose time has come and gone.
What is the history of the grange, didn't it used to be a secret club? Originally, community type gatherings that revolved around farming and grass roots political beliefs were called to in neighborhood gatherings and neighborly communications. Issues were voiced and shared amoung the neighbors without any formal representation to the governing powers of their decision makers in charge. Those community members who were faced with common challenges to thier livelihood had agreed to form a larger organization in order to collaborate community wants and needs for the good of the community interests . By the pure idea of forming neighborhood "grange" associations they gained the strength of numbers rather than individuals to get matters resolved. Swift are the people who act as a group instead to combine talents to accomplish a common goal, the grange association became a popular idea.
Why? When granges dealt with non-popular local and country government decisions, one person could represent a group of people coming from the same perspective and usually recieve a more positive outcome. More often than not the grange representatives could help decision makers agree with grange members wishes, that in turn built stronger grange affiliated neighborhoods.
Why has it changed?Over the decades, farmers who were the majority of the grange members became less engaged in farm activities. Farmers found other trades to make easier money at and abandoned their own food producing skills for more "reliable pay" to support their families. And really, as it was, most folks could grow their own food any way. Back then the ability to farm was not a hidden talent and most families grew their ownvegetables, fruit and livestock for their own needs. Farming was not needed the way it is today. As the population around towns exploded grange members dwindled. The need of grange representation wasn't as much of a use as it had been in the beginning the locals. With farmland being purchased for the needs of the growing population, quick investment opportunities also took priority over large farming operations . It became acceptable that family inherited land grants and claims became more valuable to outside businesses than the families who owned it.
What about the other granges? Look around your town and seek out any grange that has managed to exist on it's original land. Observe how close it is to older homesteads, major population growth, arterials to main roadways, manufacturing facilities, nearby shopping centers outlets and railroad tracks.
Look at what has become of the closest homesteads, the size of the land the grange is left to call home, the lack of parking space, and then your lack of knowlege you may have about that old, historical building that has the guts to remain available.
Most of these old grange buildings have been built with bare minimum standards. Money to build a community use structure was scarce back then. Most of the original grange members would pull together what resources they had to build and then hoped at later time, new members would be able to upgrade the buildings. More often than not, the money was invested back to the community not to the structure.
The Barberton Grange located on 72nd ave next to the Barberton Rail Road tracks has a certified commercial kitchen, a stage, three meeting areas all separate from each other and a sign board to allow the grange managers to place your activity announcement for all to see.
The Pioneer Grange located on 199th west of 50th ave has two meeting areas seperate from each other, an outdoor fenced in barbeque area with bbq pit, grassy area for yard games, buffet counter space.
Both locations are available for a one time, daily, weekly, monthly and occasional rental rates.
Depending on your group size and affiliation we may be able to pre arrange special arrangements for your building space needs, give Francie a call and she will work with you on your budget and event requests!
How is grange being used these days? Here is a an example of users and the activities taken place at Barberton Grange. Your activity plans are warmly welcomed!
Outside Community Grange UsersGroup meetings, fundraisers, family reunions, weddings, special events, cooking classes, support groups, educational classes, business meetings, religious gatherings, club events, charity projects, commercial kitchen use, or any other reason to gather is the perfect way for the Barberton Grange to be of your service.
Grange (Member) User ActvitiesMonthly Barberton Grange Member Meetings, State Grange Meetings, Meals on Wheels client gift creations, juvenile justice community service projects, Saturday breakfast open to the public, fall harvest party event open to the public, Winter holiday party open to the public, two craft bazarrs a year, meet the csa farmers promotion, Neo natal infant gift creations, dental supply sponsorship supply drive for low income families, Membership potlucks, baking contestes, Clark County Fair sponsorship,School dictionary program, ARC clothing donation drives, agriculture sponsorship, fundraising, historical preservation projects and so much more!